Reagents And Radionics: Boosting Vitality And Addressing Conditions
Reagents and radionics play a vital role in influencing and improving various conditions. Reagents and are substances placed in the well of a radionic instrument, together with a witness of the subject, to either reduce a negative condition or enhance a positive one. Using the right reagents is essential to achieve desired outcomes, whether you’re […]
Geometric Structures As Reagents: Unlocking Their Potential In Radionics
Geometric structures as reagents: Unlocking their potential in radionics. Geometric structures are integral to radionics, serving as effective reagents that can trigger positive changes in living organisms. These geometric patterns interact with the vibrational frequencies of subjects to help restore balance and improve health. Understanding how geometric structures as reagents can significantly boost your radionic […]
Stacking Reagents: Optimizing Your Radionic Practice
Stacking reagents is a fundamental technique in radionic practices that can dramatically enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your sessions. Reagents in radionics are substances placed in the witness well of your instrument to elevate the General Vitality (G.V.) of the subject and reduce the intensity of any issues. Properly stacking reagents can significantly shorten […]
Reagents We Have Found Useful: Optimizing Your Radionics Practice
Reagents we have found useful: Optimizing your radionics practice. In the realm of radionics, effective use of reagents can significantly cut down broadcast time and boost treatment outcomes. By increasing the General Vitality (G.V.) of the witness and decreasing the G.V. of undesirable conditions or pathogens, reagents help achieve quicker and more accurate results. After […]
The Magic of Manifestation!
The Magic of Manifestation! Your manifestation rate-of-the-week is short and sweet, yet can pack a lot of power!
It Isn’t Magic….
It isn’t magic. Whenever I get onto the radionics forums, I almost always see some posting that acts like radionics is some form of magic. Describing our work in magical terms is intellectually lazy. Yes, we do things that seem magical. We sometimes perform rituals before we work and even after. But it isn’t to […]
Process Cellular Memory – Increase Energy Flow
Process Cellular Memory – Increase Energy Flow Any of us that have worked with energy for any length of time have run across issues with cellular memory.
Making the Most of a Witness
For a long time there was a certain amount of mystery concerning the witness. How could a DNA sample, or even a picture or signature be somehow connected to the subject? What is a radionic witness? That mystery has pretty much evaporated with the acceptance of the new physics concerning quantum entanglement.
More Power Is Not The Answer
More power is rarely the right answer. Certainly, it can muscle you through the project, but just like most things, when you use more force than necessary you also risk more damage. I speak from experience. We will show you how to use radionics instruments.
Practicing Medicine
Practicing Medicine Without A Licence