Digestibility and Assimilation

Digestibility and Assimilation

There are two rates that are critical for anyone to know. They determine the efficiency of food or feed. These rates were initially developed for livestock producers. However, they apply to many living things. Digestibility is a measure of how well the digestive system is working at breaking down food or feed: 61.75 – 88.25.

What Is Assimilation?

Assimilation is a measurement of how well the digested food is absorbed by the intestines 39 – 82. Consider any food or feed. What if it cannot be digested? In that case, it makes no difference how well the minerals and vitamins are balanced. Likewise, if the cells and tissues cannot use it then it is wasted. When these indicators are out of balance, it may mean that there are enzyme deficiencies or toxin issues interfering with digestion. In mammals. it may mean there are issues in the stomach (digestion) or intestine (assimilation). Early in my radionic career, I used these two rates to evaluate feeding programs in large livestock operations. Digestion gave me a good idea of the quality of the feed. Assimilation also gave me an early warning indicator of intestinal issues long before other symptoms occurred.

These are terrific rates to help you evaluate your own diet and supplements. If the pills are not digestible, they are not useful. Even if you are able to digest them, if you cannot absorb the nutrients from them, they are useless as well. These rates don’t provide any information as to why there are issues with the food. But, issues in these areas can provide you valuable insight into other health or wellness issues.

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Radionics.us is the premier source of practical information, top schooling, and cutting-edge radionics tools and equipment. Learn and shop for products. We offer advanced tools, radionics instruments, and resources in subtle energies, scalar energy, and also alternative health. Our founder, Marty Lucas, has become one of the nation’s leading radionic consultants, instructors, and researchers. In addition to his own classes, he is a regular guest instructor at many expos and conferences. These include The annual Great Radionic Expo, the United States Psychotronic Association and also the American Society of Dowsers. When he is not working in his lab, teaching, or enjoying time with his family, Marty will be on his small organic farm in southeast Iowa. Visit our shop and browse radionics products, tools, and courses.

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