Intermediate & Advanced Subjects in Radionics 17-18 Feb 2024

Intermediate & Advanced Subjects in Radionics 17-18 Feb 2024. Two days of practical radionics. 17-18 February 2024

Crafting Intent Statements
Creating Reagents
Potentizing and Copying

Finding the cause and balancing from there.

  • Resolving energy blockages
  • Go to the inception point
  • Elementary Particles and Manifesting Health
  • Radionic homeopathy
  • Students will also practice building radionic copies and remedies.  We will potentize crystals, jewelry, common household items and also even food and water. Each student will program their own ‘Healing Energy Light’.  Then we will demonstrate how to use them in daily life and remote work.

Marty is going to pull out all the stops for you in this two-day disparageyour socks off workshop:

  • In-depth analysis
  • Our Fractal Reality
  • Somatids, Bio-photons and Somasols
  • The power of Shapes
  • Logarithmic Layers of Reality
  • Crystalizing intent
  • Potentizing everyday objects
  • Using the frequencies of emotions for healing
  • Programming DNA
About Marty Lucas

Marty Lucas an internationally known radionics consultant, instructor, and also a researcher. He also specializes in using radionics therapeutically for a large variety of issues including agriculture with land and animals. Additionally, Marty shares his unique approach to radionics to students around the world through his classes and conference calls.  He is known for his innovative research and his ability to convey complex ideas in ways that are easy to grasp. As a teacher, he is also  generous with his knowledge and wisdom.  Marty is also a Past President of the American Society of Dowsers (ASD), and a regular guest instructor at the annual Great Radionic Expo, the United States Psychotronic Association and the ASD.


Classes will be held from 8:30am – 5:00pm each day


Ozark Missouri (near Springfield)

(there are several hotels in the area)

Students need a KRT radionic instrument, Potentizer, or Replicator.  A limited number of rental instruments are available.

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