More Power Is Not The Answer

More power is rarely the right answer.  Certainly, it can muscle you through the project, but just like most things, when you use more force than necessary you also risk more damage.  I speak from experience. We will show you how to use radionics instruments.

How To Use Radionics Instruments

I built some of the most powerful privately owned radionics arrays around.  Additionally, I added the accessories to increase power.  I tuned the set-ups.  I did everything to increase power.  Powerful radionics instruments can produce powerful results and there are times when you want and may need the extra power, but I am here to say, that is rarely necessary.


Before we jump into how we can increase power, let’s establish what our broadcast is intended to do.  Basically, a radionic broadcast seeks to establish a resonance with the target.  We send out a signal and leave the signal on long enough so the target resonates with it.


When we work in increase something, the frequency we send adds onto the existing ones.  When we work to suppress a frequency our broadcast interferes with the resonate frequencies of the target.


Most successful, long term work is done by increasing resonance rather than suppressing.


Reaction Plates Increasing Resonance

To increase resonance, we work to fine tune and focus our broadcasts as specifically as possible.  The better the focus the more power is applied to just the areas we want to affect.


We also look to see what is interfering with the resonance we desire.  Perhaps there are interfering frequencies that are suppressing our desired result.  Think of it like a lump of gum on a tuning fork.  The gum keeps the fork from vibrating at its designed frequency.  The gum not only detunes the tuning fork, but also absorbs much of the energy.


Your DNA is for all practical purposes is a scalar tuning fork.  That is why my focus on health issues has to do with supporting genetic resonance and removing the blockages that interfere with that resonance.  Here is where ‘more power’ can temporarily mask the issue but won’t resolve it.

More Power

This lack of resonance is why many radionic operators spend endless hours, ‘peeling the onion’.  More power allows you to peel faster, but when you get to the center of the onion, you won’t find anything.  That is because the physical is just a symptom of the energetic and overpowering the physical doesn’t make fundamental changes.


One of the other issues with ‘more power’ is that as we amplify our broadcasts, we also amplify all the noise in that broadcast.  The minor mistuning is amplified.  The dust in the input well, the hair on the rub plate, the partial thumbprint on the witness….. all amplified.


At low power, minor issues are unimportant, but at higher power, then can become devastating.  Take an unbalanced tire for example.  Pushing the car across the drive and we don’t notice it.  Take the car to the local store and we notice a minor issue, but when we get on the Interstate and kick it up to 70 miles per hour, what was unnoticed, then minor becomes enough for the tire to destroy itself.

Low power, properly focused broadcasts are much more forgiving.  Minor imperfections stay minor.

Other Benefits

One of the other big advantages of low-power work is that is rarely encounters backlash or resistance.  Just like our own immune response, the threat must hit a certain threshold in order to provoke a response.  That is why people can have low-level chronic infections for years. 


The pathogen happily lives, reproduces and does its thing, but never at a large enough scale to get detected.  Then at some point the entire system is so depleted, that the infection can spread quickly, without resistance.


Say we are working to drive insect pests from the field.  If we hit them too hard, we may trigger a defensive response that drives them to reproduce.  We see that stress response throughout Nature.  Many times a farmer will intentionally stress his crop or livestock to provoke just that.


However, if we simply work to suppress the pest and drive him to leave, that is more often than not a low-power/ longer term approach.


When you work at the base cause of issues, little power is needed.  When you work at the inception point of a cause, even less.

Adding More Power


There is a certain pride of accomplishment to having a powerful radionic instrument.  Likewise there are times when that added power may be necessary to accomplish your goal.  For instance, suppose you are working to repel an insect infestation in a large field.

Ideally, you would have worked to raise the brix of the plants early on so as to avoid the problem, but when the insects are there, every day they infest the field can cost the farmers thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars.

Here is where a high power instrument can address the symptom (the insect infestation) and save the farmer money.  A low power approach would probably be more effective in the long run, but when the crop is in danger we must consider doing what we can to save it.

At this point in the discussion, many are asking how to increase the power and effectiveness of their instrument array.  I’ll list  a few ideas that I cover in-depth in my classes.  So if you need more details, the best place to get them is in class.  That said, most of these ideas are self-explanatory.

First, the most power is always delivered by the best focus.  The clearer the intent and the more narrow the target the better.  So rather than balancing somatids over the entire organism, balancing them in the prostate will provide faster relief for the client with prostate issues.

Grounding Your Instrument

Next, ground your instrument.  We have discussed this many times, but in essence, your ground circuit provides a path for the Phase Conjugate Wave, so less power is needed to achieve the effect.

I have Betar Coils in the bottom of every well on every instrument.  The coil acts like a passive energy pump.  I also have tensor rings around every well and larger ones around every instrument.

Most of my instruments sit on small granite slabs.  I also have printed sacred geometric designs under them as well.  I routinely use color in my broadcasts and am very happy to own a pair of Chromatic Wells.  Also, I can also add frequencies through the BNC connector

Reaction Plates

Many of my reaction plates have crystals and  ZoZeyko devices on them.

If I need a large boost of power I may connect and Eagle Research Guardian into the circuit to add a boost.

Every instrument has at least one Perfect Spiral Antenna and my main one has several of them.  I also have Cory Coils on about ½ of the instruments in my lab as well as a Dan Mangum reaction plate on an instrument.

In essence, the reaction plate is an antenna. The more antennas the more effective the broadcast.  Mixing types of antennas seems to bring in more of the energy spectrum into the broadcast.

Tim Lippert dedicates his instruments to different saints and has an icon of the saint on each one.  I don’t do that, not because it doesn’t work, but simply because I have not found it necessary.

Another extraordinary powerful approach to increase results is to pulse the instrument.  On a few minutes, off a few minutes.  Dowse the proper interval and you’ll often find faster results with a pulsed broadcast.

These are just some ideas I use.  You may have other techniques that work better for you, but the real lesson here is that the closer to the actual cause, the less power you need and the better long-term result.

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