The Magic of Manifestation!
The Magic of Manifestation! Your manifestation rate-of-the-week is short and sweet, yet can pack a lot of power!
Making the Most of a Witness
For a long time there was a certain amount of mystery concerning the witness. How could a DNA sample, or even a picture or signature be somehow connected to the subject? What is a radionic witness? That mystery has pretty much evaporated with the acceptance of the new physics concerning quantum entanglement.
Spirit of Love
Spirit of Love If you have ever attended a Raymon Grace seminar you may remember him discussing the “Spirit of Love” and how it is incompatible with the “Spirit of Greed”. He goes on to teach that in order to balance water, you must first remove the “Spirit of Greed” before the “Spirit of Love” […]
Practicing Medicine
Practicing Medicine Without A Licence
Digestibility and Assimilation
Digestibility and Assimilation There are two rates that are critical for anyone to know. They determine the efficiency of food or feed. These rates were initially developed for livestock producers. However, they apply to many living things. Digestibility is a measure of how well the digestive system is working at breaking down food or feed: […]
Start of the Fall Season
Start of the Fall Season Labor Day marks the official start of the fall season and really the official end of summer for farmers, especially those of us in the Midwest. It’s time for us to start looking at our harvest equipment; getting the combine ready, getting the wagons and the augers in the bins, […]
Radionics in Agriculture
Radionics has been used successfully in agriculture since the 1950s. We have all learned a lot since then! For the next few weeks, we will discuss more of how Radionics works, what works well with the art of radionics, and what does not work well. Radionics is the shamanic art and metaphysical science of local […]
Studying the Embryonic Cell Cluster (ECC)
Studying the Embryonic Cell Cluster (ECC): Early in the development of the embryo, there is a point where there are just 8 cells. This is the last point where all the cells are the same. This is the last point in development before cells begin to differentiate. After this point, the cells that develop have […]
Radionics and Dowsing; Energetic Cousins.
Radionics and Dowsing; Energetic Cousins. One of the major dysfunctions of society is our attention to detail at the expense of the overall picture. Just look at the alternative healthcare industry. There are dozens of modalities. Each one stresses how unique they are. They stress how their modality is the one that can make the […]
What is Radionics?
What is Radionics? Radionics is the shamanic art and metaphysical science of local and distant manifestation using intention programmed instruments and patterns to shield and protect and to amplify, store and elevate frequencies of Reiki, Homeopathy, Acupuncture of the animate and inanimate form.