It Isn’t Magic….

Radionics is not magic

It isn’t magic.  Whenever I get onto the radionics forums, I almost always see some posting that acts like radionics is some form of magic.  Describing our work in magical terms is intellectually lazy.  Yes, we do things that seem magical.  We sometimes perform rituals before we work and even after.  But it isn’t to […]

Digestibility and Assimilation


Digestibility and Assimilation There are two rates that are critical for anyone to know. They determine the efficiency of food or feed. These rates were initially developed for livestock producers. However, they apply to many living things. Digestibility is a measure of how well the digestive system is working at breaking down food or feed: […]

Does Radionics Work?

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Does Radionics Work? You’ve probably stumbled upon this article because you are curious about how radionics works. Perhaps you are a holistic health practitioner, or you are looking for tools for agriculture and horticulture. Nonetheless, radionics is a very interesting process that can be used for a variety of modalities- health, medicine, and farming. However, […]

What is Electromagnetic Therapy

 What is Electromagnetic Therapy What is Electromagnetic Therapy? Science is hard for a lot of us to understand sometimes so we took it upon ourselves to help give you an EM 101 lesson! In this blog, you will read everything from what EM is and does to the history and theory behind this beautiful science.

Radionics and Dowsing; Energetic Cousins.

Radionics and Dowsing; Energetic Cousins. One of the major dysfunctions of society is our attention to detail at the expense of the overall picture. Just look at the alternative healthcare industry. There are dozens of modalities. Each one stresses how unique they are. They stress how their modality is the one that can make the […]

What Is Radionics Healing?

Radionics can be a little tough to understand at first so in this blog we will be going over everything from the origins of radionic healing to white light radionics. So, I suggest you sit back, grab a cup of tea, and enjoy the wonderful world of radionics healing.

What is Radionics?

What is Radionics?

What is Radionics? Radionics is the shamanic art and metaphysical science of local and distant manifestation using intention programmed instruments and patterns to shield and protect and to amplify, store and elevate frequencies of Reiki, Homeopathy, Acupuncture of the animate and inanimate form.