23748 220th Ave, Sigourney, Iowa 52591 (641) 622-1025

When we look at our different projects and challenges, we often fall into a polarity mindset.  Most of the time, the answer will not be found in direct conflict, but in seeking and resolving the cause.  That said, there are occasions when you will be in conflict until the issue is resolved.It has been said you cannot resolve any problem with the same level of thinking that created it.For the last 50 years or so, many energy workers taught the concept of surrounding yourself with a ball of white light. SEE DETAILS


When you align yourself with your Heart and Soul’s Desires your perspective on things change.  That alignment puts you into a space filled with synchronicities and small and large miracles.  The things you want and need, show up and the things that no longer serve you go away.Recently, I had a tooth that started bothering me (again).  The last time it gave me trouble I developed the DD-007 reagent to bring in optimal celestial energies and outcomes for dental work.So, when it hurt this time, I wondered what I missed. SEE DETAILS