Grounding Your Instrument

Grounding Your Instrument

Every week I feature a ‘Rate-of-the-Week’ or a procedure. This week’s procedure is a simple one that everyone needs: Grounding Your Instrument.

Getting your start

This is simply one of the fundamentals we need to cover in detail and emphasize. When I took my first radionics class some years ago, it was mentioned in passing and we were told that by grounding your instrument you would cut your balancing times. That is absolutely true.

Galen Hieronymus

Galen Hieronymus found that when working in soils, the depth of the broadcast would not extend past the depth of the ground rod. It wasn’t until years later that Frank Goldin gave me the key as to why it was important to ground your instrument. Although it does help improve your balancing times and it will help your work with soils and plants, the real reason you ground your instrument is because of something called the phase conjugate wave.

We tend to think of radionics as a broadcast. We throw the switch to do the balancing and we send out a signal. That signal is sent out in the universe and it does whatever it is that we expect it to do. In reality, what we’re doing is, we’re setting up a circuit so that when we send out the broadcast wave there is a wave that is returning back to us.

The wave that returns is out-of-phase with the wave that we sent out. It is the phase conjugate wave. We are establishing a circuit with our subject. The returning, out-of-phase wave dissipates into the most organized and most information-rich portion of the circuit.

If the instrument is not grounded properly, that means the phase conjugate wave will dissipate into the information field of the operator. If the instrument is properly grounded then it dissipates into the earth. The deeper and more substantial the ground the faster it will dissipate. Since we are dealing with a circuit, a good ground ‘relieves the pressure’ from the returning wave and allows more energy and information to flow through the circuit.

Was it Radionics?

It bothered me for several years that many of the radionic pioneers had died early; David Tansley, Peter Moscow, Peter Kelly, even Pat Schmidt. Why didn’t radionics prolong their lives? Was there something about radionics that shortened their lives?

When I understood the phase conjugate wave and the importance of grounding the instrument, I had my answer. They didn’t know about the returning wave, so the out-of-phase information wave acted like a chaos wave and dissipated in their energy fields. Over time it wore them down.

A quick and easy way to determine if your instrument is properly grounded is to simply dowse to see if your broadcast is affecting you or affecting your energy field. If your witness is not in the well you should not be affected by the broadcast. If you are, then either the instrument is not grounded or the well is contaminated with your witness. If that is the case, stop and take corrective actions. When you restart, check it again.

It is not normal to be tired when doing radionic broadcasting (sometimes analysis can tire you). If you get tired when you broadcast, something is wrong.

Grounding your instrument is easy. With the Kelly instruments and the Hieronymus type instruments there is a jack on the instrument marked ‘ground’. Simply take a wire from that jack to a separate ground (usually outside).

Electrical grounds make poor radionic grounds because they carry a lot of electrical noise and information. Water lines are only slightly better because you can get a lot of interference from and through the electric pumps. Gas lines may be better, but many modern installations use plastic line so they cannot be used as a ground.

The preferred radionic ground is a single length of wire from the instrument to the ground rod. Then the wire is twisted counter clock-wise to eliminate any natural polarity of the wire. I use a simple battery-operated drill (rotating in reverse) to twist my ground wires. Since the wire carries information and not electricity, a light gauge wire is fine. The same ground can be used for multiple instruments. All of the instruments in my lab are grounded in the same system.

Energy fields and Grounding Towers

When a physical ground is not available a virtual ground may work as well. Scott Ertl builds a Grounding Tower that produces superb results. Since tensor rings produce energy fields that extend from the center of the Earth to the sky, simply placing a tensor ring around the instrument not only produces a very usable ground but also shields the instrument from stray signals in the immediate environment.

In my lab, I have the external ground, Scott Ertl’s Grounding Tower, and tensor rings around the instruments plus a Twisted Sage Actuator on the Grounding Tower. I not only want a superior ground, but I also want a superior flow of energy and information. The more information that can flow through my radionic circuit, the more efficient and more effective my broadcast.

If you do not have the type of instrument that has a dedicated grounding jack, then build the best virtual ground you can and run a ground wire from that system to the Earth. Many of the computerized instruments do not have a grounding jack. Often these systems allow the operator to work on multiple projects around the clock for days and even weeks at a time. If those types of systems are not properly grounded you are absolutely asking for trouble.

SCIO instruments

I had a student in my first advanced class whose spouse had an SCIO computerized instrument. That is not to say anything about the SCIO instrument. They were having good results with it and their clients were having good results. But what they found was that the more they used it the sicker they got. Sadly, they doubled down and began using the instrument to try and balance out the health issues they were having. Things continued to get worse. It was like a Catch-22. The harder they worked the farther behind they got.

I distinctly remember him sitting in the front row of the class. I had just started the class and introduced myself when he stood up and said, “I certainly hope this class is worth it because I spent more on transportation to get here than I did for the class!” That is a rough way to start any class, but with that one lesson, he came up to me at the first break and said he had learned enough from the first two hours of class to more than pay for everything. “I’ve come here and with that one lesson you may have saved my spouse’s life.”

Virtual Grounds

Simply ground your instrument, unless you’re doing work just for yourself or you are doing work in class. If you’re doing any serious work whatsoever please do not broadcast with a unit that is not grounded. If you’re traveling and you don’t have a way to get into an earth ground, use a virtual ground with a tensor ring around your instrument. It is not going to give you as good a ground as the physical ground but it is certainly going to help protect you and help dissipate the phase conjugate wave.

So, think about what you are doing with the knowledge that the out-of-phase return wave must have a place to dissipate. It can dissipate into your energy field, or into the Earth. It is an easy choice.

In my classes, the subject of grounding your instrument comes up early and is stressed heavily. There are plenty of ways to increase the power and effectiveness of your broadcast. While proper grounding is one of those ways, increasing your effectiveness is the least important thing a proper ground does for you.

Wait till your grounded

In summary, don’t broadcast unless your instrument is grounded. Check to see if your broadcast is affecting you. If it is, stop and make the necessary corrections before resuming the broadcast. Physical grounds are very simple and effective. Virtual grounds can be nearly as effective.

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