Disease is a Symptom


The disease is a symptom. The sooner you realize that the sooner you can start making some serious progress in your work. That does not mean some symptoms may need to be addressed, but what it does mean is that if you focus on just the symptoms you will always fail. Headache is a symptom. Fever is a symptom. Congestion is a symptom.

In fact, if you just work to reduce the fever you are hamstringing your immune system. If you stop the production of mucus and phlegm you are limiting your body’s ability to segregate and eliminate toxins. Likewise, weeds and insect pests in crops are symptoms as well. They are indicators of imbalances in the soil and crop. They are the messengers that can assist you in finding what the real issues are. 

The body is not so different. Suppose you have pain in your knee. Further, suppose someone has told you it is arthritis. So instead of reaching for the aspirin, your time might better be spent asking a few more questions.
First of all, when you take aspirin it stops the production of the lubricating fluid in your joints.

So, treating a joint pain issue with aspirin may not be the best choice. Next, there are reasons for the pain and for the location as well. Perhaps it is because you have a ‘bad knee’ that has always given you trouble. The next question is ‘why’. Why that knee? Why not the other one? When did it start? What caused it? Perhaps even when do you do differently when your knee does not bother you?

The point is to stop dissecting life into its many pieces and start looking at it as it really is. All of life and reality is part of the same whole. Every part is connected to every other. The ants in the basement and the deer in the field are all part of the same system. We are also part of that same system. All of our actions affect the whole. Some a lot, some not so much. But nothing can be taken separately.

It is our culture’s drive to break everything into separate pieces that have allowed the major problems we face today. Our abuse of the environment is simply because we have decided that once the toilet is flushed that issue is gone. Likewise, once the garbage can is emptied, that problem is solved. In agriculture, we often work to maximize the yield this year, without regard to the consequences. That is why we have no issue putting poison in food. That is why we are able to ignore systemic animal abuse in our food system.

Take milk for example. The average lactations for a commercial dairy in the United States are less than two. That means she is completely worn out after two seasons of production. But in the average organic dairy, the average number of lactations is over 8 and many diaries have cows for 12-15 years.

Commercial dairy production is systemic animal abuse, but since it is out of sight, we allow it. In confinement swine production the animals spend their entire lives living over a giant cesspool of urine and feces. Often you can even taste it in the meat. Then the animals are slaughtered in a most horrific and even evil process.

With these issues in the food supply, is it any wonder Americans have widespread nutritional issues? Nutritional issues are symptoms. And it can even be said the animal and environmental abuse of our food system is a symptom as well. It is a symptom of a sickness of spirit that comes from being disconnected from Nature.

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