Can you raise the Level of Consciousness? (audio)
Is It Really Magical Thinking?
Is It Really Magical Thinking?One of the things you hear when you tell people about what we do, is someone telling you what you are seeing and doing is just ‘magical thinking’. This has been the ultimate put-down by so-called scientists for years. First, they try to write off our experience as coincidence. If that […]
Compassion (60-72.5)
Compassion (60-72.5)I often speak about looking at emotions not as some touchy-feely expression, but as an harmonic frequency. When we do that, we can discard all the cultural flotsam and jetsam and see them for what they really are. Compassion (60-72.5) is not different. Disregard how you think it feels and try to examine it […]
Exercises For Building Confidence
Exercises For Building Confidence During the recent Winter Classic, I was struck by how effective those basic demos are. For those of us that have been practicing radionics for some time, I think it is easy to forget how credulous we were when we started. When I took my first class, I dialed the rates and rubbed the reaction plate and wondered how much of what I was feeling was just my imagination and how much was real. In those days we would spend three days in the beginning class running rates and completing rate […]
Featured Product: Standard Animal Analysis
One of our biggest specials we are running is the Standard Animal Analysis. This analysis comes with nearly 250 readings. Find out where you are, so you can see where you want to go. One hour of balancing included at no extra charge. This is a $400 value for $250.