How You Can Make Use Of Subtle Energy Technology Through the Newest Radionic Instruments

What you are about to read can challenge your belief system. It can also demonstrate how you can introduce new concepts into your life in order to make the changes and discoveries you’ve always wanted. That being said, let’s get started with the science and art of radionics. Find out how you can make use of subtle energy technology through the newest radionic instruments. 

Radionics is the practice of expanding a mind and material cross-over using precisely tuned instruments. It’s a well-known fact that energy precedes matter. A simple example of showing thought as energy is the polygraph or lie detector test that produces a material result from thought energy.

Radionics can be defined as energy tuned into a frequency using a device or devices working in the field of scalar energy technology. It is a combination of electricity, magnetism, and subatomic elements that enable the operator to identify and then change and modify the frequencies of an object.

Radionic instruments deliver results in a range of disciplines. These include horticulture, agriculture, mining, human and animal health, mechanics, general and specific problem solving, ongoing applications in your daily life, and a seemingly endless number of diverse areas including quantitative and qualitative measurements only limited by your thought process.

Small radionics lab with analog instruments

It’s important to understand that in health issues targeted through a radionic instrument you are not curing or treating anything. Instead, you are altering and balancing energy to affect a desired result. Radionics is widely accepted and successfully practiced in Europe and other countries. But, it’s still labeled a pseudo-science in America since it contradicts die-hard principals of physics and biology.

A quick read in Wikipedia on radionics supports the fact there’s still a strong attempt at suppression of the success of radionic practitioners in America and abroad. Presently, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does not permit a radionic instrument user to make health or therapeutic claims because these instruments work on subtle body radiation and not the physical body itself.

However, in the area of health and medicine, European medical doctors and homeopaths find radionics a vital extension in their practice to deliver a successful analysis and treatment. And, from Australia to Europe and India, including America, radionics is being used in a wide range of applications in agriculture to reduce or eliminate the harmful effects that chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides have on animals and humans.


Modern radionics was invented and developed by a prominent American physician, Dr. Albert Abrams. This science has also been developed and refined by various researchers, practitioners, engineers and inventors over the years. As with most new and controversial changes in traditional scientific thinking, radionics has also been ridiculed and violently opposed, and is now becoming accepted as self-evident as a workable and practical solution for many of today’s problems, challenges, and discoveries.

In the last 50 years cutting edge science has delivered new technologies the mainstream community has yet to grasp. The foundation of these new technologies is based on the quantum field effects predicted by Einstein; which also include subatomic particles, scalar waves, and quantum physics. These effects are not only real, but the technology has been simplified so you can use it to improve your personal day-to-day living and business growth now.

Another notable inventor and scientist in this field includes Nikola Tesla, the father of scalar energy (subtle energy), who discovered alternating current electricity. He was decades ahead of his time in other scientific areas too, including subtle energy technology, where he completed successful experiments proven to deliver vast benefits for the masses.

Dr. Marcel Vogel

Then there was Dr. Marcel Vogel, an IBM research scientist and the inventor of the magnetic coating for large hard disk drives. Dr. Vogel also studied subtle energy technology and liquid crystal systems. He realized that crystals store thought (information), and as you know, the crystal based computer chips responsible for the computer industry likewise store information.

Ultimately, Dr. Vogel developed his Vogel Cut® crystal based on little-known, time-proven measurements. His crystals focus subtle energy in order to transform it to a higher level of resonance used in healing and environmental balance.

Another subtle energy worker, Slim Spurling (inventor and researcher) plus a like-minded group of energy workers set up subtle energy instruments around Denver, Colorado with the intention of reducing the smog pollution. Even though the project was successful, the project was halted due to a minimum of interest and support from the narrow-minded Denver bureaucrats. Again, there’s the first inventor of subtle energy instruments in America, Dr. Albert Abrams. Dr. Abrams, who was a lauded medical professor at Stanford University, was so advanced in his diagnosis and treatment of disease with subtle energy technology that he was outcast from the same medical profession that once praised and awarded him for his superior results. Sadly, his followers, many of whom were licensed medical practitioners, were also chastised.

Dr. Galen Hieronymus

Dr. Galen Hieronymus, another radionics pioneer, tracked the NASA Apollo lunar mission astronauts with radionic instruments during a time segment when NASA lost contact with the spacecraft. Dr. Hieronymus was also called upon by the medical profession to build medical diagnostic instruments using scalar energy (subtle energy). He was able to diagnose and reverse disease conditions with a great degree of success using these instruments. His success with UKACO in significantly reducing chemical pesticides used in agriculture is also exemplary of his achievements in using subtle energy techniques.

If you would like to know more history and applications for subtle energy technology and radionics, you can read the following books: The Secret Life of Plants, Secrets of the Soils, and The Secret Art.


The radionic instrument, through the detection of vibratory patterns (rates), allows the operator to make informed choices rather than guesses about the undertaking at hand. Just as radio stations are identified by AM and FM band radio frequencies, radionic rates are the signature known patterns of information-as-energy. And, just like tuning a radio to a particular sports station can reveal information about the latest baseball scores, the radionic analyzer can be tuned to a specific signature frequency in order to receive information about the relative energetic strength of that particular subject or specimen.

It’s important to note that rates are not directly related to radio and television frequencies, but rather a wave form produced by the agitation of molecules, atoms, and other elements which make up matter.

Scientific Assessment

It is an accepted fact that everything in nature is composed of vibration and energy. Even our high-school physics textbooks explain that everything in our universe is comprised of tiny particles called atoms (vibration and energy). Atoms are the smallest particles of a chemical element that can exist and still take the form of that element.

To take it a step further, atoms are comprised of even tinier particles i.e. protons, neutrons, electrons, quarks, gluons and many others orbiting one another with such speed that they appear as solids even though they are mostly comprised of empty space.

These subatomic particles are the building blocks of atoms. The number and arrangement of subatomic particles in atoms determine whether an atom takes one form or another in our physical realm.

Personal Radionic Analyzer

Recent advancements in mainstream physics have revealed that many subatomic particles are not the discreet, stable objects we have always imagined.

In fact, many more subatomic particles have been discovered that are continuously appearing and disappearing inside the atomic structure at speeds greater than can be observed.

Scientists only became aware of these “virtual” particles as a result of their frequent and mea-surable influence on larger, and observable subatomic particles.

Virtual particles are real particles and quantum theory predicts that every particle spends some time as a combination of other particles in all possible ways. The limitless energy and constant motion of these subatomic particles is known as the “virtual particle flux”, a boundless sea of potential energy whose native randomness may be externally ordered by frequency information defined by the focused intent of the trained radionic operator and broadcast by a radionic instrument.

Agricultural Radionic Analyzer

In recent years, scientists have presented new evidence that substantiates the core feasibility of this limitless energy i.e. “String Theory”.

String Theory describes many subatomic particles not as particles at all, but instead as the linear structures that stretch like guitar strings through not only our universe, but also through the other dimensions that are believed to exist outside the bounds of what we perceive as physical reality.

People tend to believe that they live in a four dimensional world (length, width, height, time), but it is now believed there can be as many as 10 to 11 dimensions in our universe. This definition of String Theory reveals these mysterious “virtual” particles as strings that flash in and out of existence through our universe at their rates of vibration (frequencies).

In fact, String Theory specifically confirms the direct and inseparable relationship between vibratory energy and the physical manifestation of matter.

Long light strings can vibrate at different resonant frequencies where each such frequency describes a different elementary particle. So in string limits, any elementary particle should be thought of as a tiny vibrating line, rather than as a point. The string can vibrate in different modes just as a guitar string can produce different notes, and every mode appears as a different particle; electron, photon, gluon, etc.

Vibration and Energy

Vibration mode also controls the basic characteristics of what appear to us as individual unconnected particles including mass, electrical charge and spin. Subatomic particles make up every atom in our universe and are defined by the vibratory properties of the energized “strings” that bind them across the multidimensional space-time.

Mainstream science now stands in agreement with what has always been a philosophical pillar within both the spiritual and esoteric arts — the idea that everything existing in the physical realm is also made up of vibration and energy.

With this theory in mind, vibratory frequency information defines the physical realm i.e. radionics. The vibration modes of tiny subatomic particles found in every atom determine the observable form that will be taken by those particles within our physical realm.

In this way, a vibration mode is like a musical note that sings out to describe a tiny piece of the universe. And, just as musical notes can be combined to create chords and melodies, the vibration modes of individual atomic particles combine to sing out entire symphonies of information that define the specific physical characteristics that complex objects and organisms will exhibit within the physical realm.

As such, every element or compound is defined by a unique blueprint of vibratory energy. This point is of pivotal importance to the study and practice of radionics, as those vibratory blueprints are the signature frequencies (rates) to which the radionic instrument may be set or tuned.

Mechanics of The Radionic Instrument

As mentioned earlier, just as radio stations are identified by AM and FM band radio frequencies, radionic rates are the signature known patterns of information-as-energy. And, just like tuning a radio to a particular sports station can reveal information about the latest baseball scores, the radionic analyzer can be tuned to a specific signature frequency in order to receive information about the relative energetic strength of that particular aspect of a subject or specimen.

Understanding the mechanical operation of the analog analyzer (radionic instrument) provides deeper insights into the nature of the radionic rates. Each rate dial on the instrument panel is connected to a parallel plate tuning capacitor.

It is well known that musical tuning forks react spontaneously when exposed to identical frequencies.

In the same way, parallel plate tuning capacitors in analog (non-digital) radionic instruments serve as adjustable, high resolution tuning forks that physically resonate when tuned to the frequencies that define the appearances of the particles that make up our physical world. Also like musical tuning forks, analog radionic instruments require no electrical power what-

So ever to achieve a state of resonance that is detectable by the trained operator; the energy is inherent in the vibration mode found in each atom. This natural state of resonance makes the components (including the capacitors) of the radionic instrument ideal not only for setting known rates, but also for detecting and documenting new patterns of resonance discovered through an open scan or search. The radionic capacitor’s purpose is to build and hold a charge which includes the faint energetic signals that are automatically amplified for easier detection by the radionic researcher.

It’s important to note that radionic rates are not absolute frequencies like those used by a broadcast radio station, where the settings are stated in cycles per second (hertz). For example, setting your radio to “750” on the AM dial actually means the tuner has been set to 750,000 hertz.

In contrast, radionic rates are defined as a percentage of the bandwidth accessible across the range of operation of the variable plate capacitors. Turning the dial on a radionic instrument adjusts the degree of interweaving of the tuning plates from “not at all interwoven” which is “0” on the rate dial to “completely interwoven” which is “100” on the rate dial. This is why radionic rates start at zero and end at 100; the numbers reflect the percentage of the total accessible range, not a specific set frequency.

While vibratory energy emanates through the physical realm, this vibratory energy is found in every atom present in us and the world around us, producing a field of “subtle” energy. These emanations may be observed directly by some individuals (sentients) and also detected by radionic instruments through an input device like a helical coil sample well.

Here’s what makes radionics work…

When you look back in time, you will realize the energy fields radiating from living organisms (including people) have been recognized by almost every culture in human history. Examples of these energy fields have been depicted as halos or coronas of light surrounding the Holy. These energy fields have also been described as the aura by eastern philosophers and even photographed using the techniques discovered by Semyon Kirlian in 1939 (Kirlian Photography).


While vibratory patterns of information uniquely define each of us from one another and everything else in the physical realm, the energy that drives those vibrations comes from the same source. And, if everything within the physical realm is powered by the same energy source, then everything in this realm is also bound to everything else through this energy. This reality is an essential factor in the success of radionics in two areas:

(1) Unbound by physical limits: As just one example of radionic practice, with an analog radionic instrument the operator has the ability to analyze the energetic state of a plant on a farm that is on the other side of the planet, then broadcast new patterns of information-as-energy back to that plant — all without electrical power.

This would be impossible if the radionic researcher were broadcasting a signal through the physical realm, where the range of the powered antenna falls off at an exponential rate with increasing distance. But because the radionic instrument is broadcasting back to the energetic realm that binds us, the information is received immediately wherever that plant may be located.

(2) Effectiveness of samples/witnesses: Mainstream science acknowledges that a sample retains the same information as the organism or element from which that sample was taken. This is why a soil scientist may conduct a chemical analysis using a sample of soil from a field rather than requiring a review of all of the soil in the field. The radionic researcher knows that the sample and original are defined by the exact same unique blueprint of vibratory information.

Equally effective for analysis is a “witness” that captures the vibratory signature of the organism or element to be studied, such as those photographs that have not been divided into negative and print phases during processing (digital photos, slides and silver emulsion “instant” photos of the kind made popular by Polaroid) .

Like a sample, the witness exists because the energy is provided from the same central source that drives the original. This allows the use of samples and witnesses for analysis in radionics, but also for broadcasting vibratory information back through the energetic realm to the original.

Since vibratory information can be broadcast back to the virtual particle flux, the human mind is innately equipped with the ability to pre-engineer a future reality through delivery of vibratory information back to the energetic realm through the process of focused intent.

There are many examples of the unlimited power of focused intent that may be found beyond the esoteric world of radionics. Anyone who has seen or experienced the power of prayer or the impact of positive thinking has seen focused intent in action.

However, most people do not have the time, training or mental intensity needed to maintain continuous focus of intent necessary to bring about the changes desired. This is where the radionic instrument provides one of its most important features, allowing the operator to focus on scanning for a rate (signature frequency) for a relatively short period of time, turn on the amplifier on the radionic instrument, and walk away. In this way, the radionic instrument serves as an automated repeating station for the focused intent of the operator.

Bridging the gap!

Beginning with the prolific inventor Nikola Tesla nearly 100 years ago, many theories have been published that mathematically predict the transverse or “scalar” movement of signal information across space and time without obeying the normal requirements for broadcast energy versus output. And, this is where the radionic instrument bridges the gap between theory and our physical reality.

The radionic instrument builds the energetic abilities of the operator, and at the very heart of radionics is the focused intent of the trained operator. It is the mind of the operator that serves as the focusing lens for the limitless symphony of vibration energy that defines and illuminates our physical reality. The radionic instrument merely serves as a mind-matter interface, allowing the operator to recognize points of harmonic resonance through the positive feedback provided by the instrument when the operator has achieved a state of focus.

The radionic instrument allows quantitative analysis and balancing of the subtle energy fields emitted by everyone and everything in our physical reality. Because the information is communicated through to the energetic universe that binds us, radionic analysis, balancing and pre-engineering of future realities take place beyond conventional limits of space and time.


NOTE: Many thanks to Ed Kelly at Kelly Research Technologies, Inc. for his extensive input in this report defining radionics for the layperson.

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