General Vitality (GV)

General Vitality (GV) – Radionics Frequencies

For those of you who’ve been around radionics for a while, you know we use general vitality to see how everything else relates to it. The rate 9 – 49 for the radionics instruments is used for our benchmark. Most likely, you really have not had an instructor or a radionics class tell you exactly what general vitality relates to and how to measure radionics frequencies. Because of this scenario, we get a lot of confusion as to what general vitality is. We start having some questions. “What happens if I have a real high general vitality”? “What happens if I have a real low general vitality”? “Why did I get these results and what does this mean?”

How General Vitality (GV) Works

What we find is that the general vitality, although it’s a great benchmark, is not necessarily a good measurement. It’s not a good measurement of how unhealthy or healthy a system may be because health is not what general vitality measures.

What general vitality is measuring is the overall coherence (harmonious state) of a system. To put it another way, think of it in terms of a symphony. If the entire symphony is tuned perfectly, not only is it louder, but the music is absolutely beautiful. But, if you go to your local junior high school symphony you will notice all the instruments are tuned kind of close, but not close enough to make the music appealing.

If you listen carefully you can probably pick out whatever it is they’re playing, but you know it’s not particularly beautiful. You hear a lot of things that kind of grate on your nerves. Maybe one instrument is a little sharp and another one is a little bit flat.

How To Measure General Vitality

What general vitality is measuring is the coherence of all of those frequencies you are analyzing and their ability to harmonize.

So, when we have a general vitality of 200 this intensity does not necessarily show that the system is sick or the body is sick or the animal or plant or whatever is sick. What it is showing is the system is in-congruent or out of harmony. It’s just not working very well together — the system is not as harmonious and in balance as it could be. As you tune that system and you get things working better, the general vitality will jump up to maybe 600. When this happens, you find some more things are out of tune. Then when you tune the system again, you’ll find you may get to 800.

Upper Limit of General Vitality

I’ve had people ask me what happens when you get everything to where it is supposed to be. What’s the upper limit of the general vitality? What is the maximum that general vitality should be? Is there really a maximum how well it can be tuned together? When a system becomes better tuned we can see general vitality ranging up to the thousands. Even so, that doesn’t tell us the system is foolproof or ageless and all it’s potential.

What it does tell us is that the higher the general vitality the stronger a frequency would have to be to interfere with that system. So the higher the general vitality, the more work something else is going to have to do in order to interfere with that congruence.

That leads us right into some of the things we’ve heard over and over again. This is evident if you’ve studied different esoteric teachings or even if you’ve listened to some Biblical teachings. You probably heard the phrase “as above so below”. Or “as things are in heaven so it is here on Earth”. That is a very down-to-earth way of talking about the fractacality of our universe and how the energy systems work.

Fractal Reality

We’re living in a fractal reality. What this means is that when we have these energy waves or energy patterns where the closer you look at them the more you see that a pattern repeats itself. We can look out into the solar system and see that the planets are circling the sun. It looks just about like the picture we have of atoms. So we see that pattern just keeps on re-producing itself.

The more coherent the pattern the closer that those reproductions look at each other. When the supercomputers arrived and we were able to start having these computers do the same calculation for a million or 10 million times. They were able to start producing some beautiful pictures that actually started to look like leaves of trees and ferns. If you zoomed way out it looked like a tree and if you zoomed way in, it just looked like a tree again. The pattern just repeated itself again and again and again. What they noticed was if there was even one small mistake in the pattern as it repeated itself it would destroy the entire image.

General Vitality Patterns

So with general vitality what we’re looking at is how that pattern reproduces itself i.e. how perfect does that pattern reproduce itself, how congruent is it, and how complete is it? For instance, let’s take an analysis of a cat. We find the general vitality of the cat is 250 but the intensity of the calcium frequency is running at 50. When we tune the frequency of the calcium to bring it up to the general vitality of 250. What happens (because the overall system is better tuned) is now the general vitality doesn’t stay at 250 but may jump to 300.

What we try to do is find those frequencies that are most out of tune. Then, we tune them in order to bring the general vitality up. And, then we bring the intensity up another level, and up another level, and up another level, There are several ways to do that and the most popular ways that we’ve used for probably the last 50 years in radionics is to use the in-depth analysis sheets and balance things one at a time.

General Vitality Radionics Frequencies

We find these low-level frequencies and we knock them out, and every one of us who have used one of these radionic instruments have noticed that when you balance the calcium you then find the boron is out and so you balance the boron and then there’s the zinc and then there is the strontium. You balance the strontium and maybe there’s this other item out of balance and so you can just keep on balancing one thing after another and you can eventually get that general vitality up to wherever you want it to go. In reality, there is no upper limit to general vitality and so the question that we need to ask is not how high should the general vitality be, but what is the optimal level for general vitality for this subject at this time?

I can spend the next three weeks balancing every individual thing in that system and I can bring the general vitality up fairly high. Instead, let’s find out what the optimal general vitality should be. It is simply a matter of dowsing and using your intensity knob. You can also just use your mind to determine the optimal general vitality for this particular subject.

Intensity Dial

As an example, use your intensity dial and you will find out the optimal general vitality for a certain cat is 2512. Great! Well, if the optimal is 2512 and you can get the general vitality up to 2499 you’re doing pretty good. It also tells you how hard you may have to work on that system.

One of the things we work on in later radionic classes, and afterward as discovery work on some of the other rates becomes available, are ways that we can get to that high general vitality without necessarily having to balance every individual thing in that system.

How Instruments Work With General Vitality

We will be looking at that same symphony, but instead of trying to tune each instrument individually, we will look at ways where all the instruments can come into tune by themselves.

Your take away from the general vitality is to look at it as a measurement of how coherent or in tune the system is you are analyzing. Again, think in terms of that junior high school orchestra, and what you must do in your radionic analysis to tune all the different frequencies in that system that are out of tune again each time you bring the general vitality of one component to a higher level of intensity. Imagine yourself walking through that junior high orchestra and tune in to each one of the instruments because that’s really what you’re doing when you balance a system with radionics.

General Vitality Tunes

So, once you get in perfect tune, general vitality could be astronomically high. However, because we live in a real-world it is often very difficult to get to that perfect tune So general vitality is a measurement of coherence and a measurement of how well in tune your system actually is. If the general vitality is 50, my system is not working very well. That means it is very weak. That means it is going to be very easy for it to get disrupted. If the general vitality is 2500, it is a very strong system and it is much more difficult for anything to interfere with a strong system. It will be much more difficult to get that system messed up and out of line.

This explanation of general vitality also tells you why balancing on general vitality is like stretching a yardstick. It really doesn’t give you what you’re looking for. That is because all you’re doing is just messing around with the yardstick. You are not making a change or making the correct tuning. General vitality, 9 – 49, in my radionics class is one of the very first rates we learn to use. Even today general vitality is one of the primary rates I use on almost every system I analyze because I want to know exactly what that benchmark is and also want to know how in tune or out of tune a system is before moving forward with my analysis and balancing.


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