The 2017 5 Aces is a summary of my most advanced research through July 2017. This is an in-depth highly advanced lecture series that will open your mind to new ideas and give you a good idea on how to use the latest reagents and protocols.
From the desk of Lee Roberts:
On the weekend of July 29-30, 2017 Marty Lucas delivered a workshop summit (detailing 2 years of never before released information on subtle energy and radionics applications) to a small group of 12 serious and dedicated practitioners.
First, let me clarify that Marty is not “on” the cutting edge of subtle energy breakthrough information – Marty IS the cutting edge!
This summit cost these practitioners in the range of $1500-$2000 including the workshop, hotel, and travel expenses. Shortly, I will tell you how you can you can gift yourself with this advanced knowledge and techniques, for a fraction of the original expense to attendees.
In addition, you will be invited to join in on a “members only” conference call every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month exclusively for workshop summit attendees and serious practitioners like you.
If you’ve been looking for the latest answers to your radionic challenges in order to gain feedback like never before, and also want to share your successes with like minded practitioners, then read on for details. You won’t be disappointed!
Hi, my name is Lee Roberts. I attended Marty’s summit and he asked me to invite you to share in his discoveries through this intensive presentation covering 2 full days and 20 videos.
I agreed and assisted in the final editing of these videos. Over and over and over and over, and over again I viewed these videos with each of them gaining more meaning and depth with each viewing. The more I view these videos the more I realize the possibilities now within my reach through subtle energy and radionics applications.
Even though I attended the summit, I realize there is exponentially more information to be absorbed through these videos than I had ever imagined. I can hardly wait for the 2018 summit workshop and already have my reservation in place. With what I know now, I’d be foolish to forego that opportunity!
Marty has been my mentor for over a year and a big component in guiding me to realize and bring to fruition a business promise I made to myself in 1984. Without Marty, I may not have realized my dream coming true.
Maybe you have a big subtle energy or radionic project, or maybe a somewhat forgotten dream you want to come to fruition too, but you don’t know the exact steps to get there. Now, with Marty’s insight you can gain through these videos, your goal can become a reality.
What’s that worth to you? I certainly don’t know, but I do know it’s been worth a lot to me. And, since achieving a lifelong goal was about the only thing on my bucket list, that puts me in a stronger position for a “anything is possible” mind set.
Won’t you join me in the exhilaration of accomplishment? OK, let’s get started…
Now, let me give you a small sampling of the first 5 videos and realize it is just that…a small sampling – and I emphasize it’s only a sample of the first 5 videos. The remaining 15 videos are the “icing on the cake!”
(Note: the time stamps below denote minutes/seconds where this information can be found in the video.)
Day 1 – Video 1
00:45 – Why the physical symptoms you have been balancing with a focus on the physical will take you down the wrong path. And, why your answer to solving the problem is to meet that problem on an energetic level through somasols, somatids, biophotons, R-Chi, and other little researched components of life.
03:15 – You can now embrace a new perspective to look at what is going on with the energetic systems and how to solve system problems instead of individual issues that waste your time.
06:20 – The truth about wives’ tales and why this concept is crucial to your thinking.
08:15 – Why it’s important to look for patterns and avoid subtle energy and radionic grunt work.
16:44 – Learn how to see what you’re looking at and why you haven’t been using this technique.
24:20 – The most difficult thing you can do as a radionic practitioner is not what you think, yet here is how it’s easily overcome.
Video 2
08:41 – How you can get biological systems to do all the work for you.
10:33 – Since energetic issues require energetic answers, here’s why you no longer want to balance on the symptoms (physical).
Video 3
00:07 – The importance in asking the right question when you dowse for the optimum answer and why you haven’t even come close in the past.
02:02 – Here’s what keeps you from living an extra 10 to 50 years or more (hint: it’s not diet and exercise). One of your 2 bonuses includes one of Marty’s favorite reagents to help you overcome this blockage.
05:15 – Two key factors to build your own reality and how you can do it now.
12:18 – The meaning of “as above, so below” and how it can expand your practice.
16:14 – Why fractals are important in your radionic work and why aging is relative to your fractal pattern.
19:35 – Why issues you balance come back again, and again, and again…and how you can overcome this challenge.
20:27 – Importance of higher and lower rate octaves and how they can compliment your balancing through a new dimension.
28:33 – How and what reagents can do the “busy work” for you.
Video 4
00:52 – Why you see only a portion of your subject you are balancing and why it’s crucial to balance on multiple octaves and multiple portions.
07:12 – Why your radionic perspective is too limited and what you can do about it.
09:03 – What you don’t know about your DNA and why you may be able to turn on more features.
14:01 – Your faulty DNA and a path to correction.
16:05 – The importance of somatids and somasols for increasing life expectancy.
Video 5
00:10 – Why the real tragedy in radionics is having a limited perspective.
05:10 – Why the part of your balancing target that presents itself to our senses may not even be a critical piece of that target — and may not help you get any closer to the answer you seek.
11:39 – Suites: newest breakthrough in reagents that can move your practice to the head of the class.
12:12 – How you can discover the alchemical properties of a substance in addition to the physical properties in order to make your reagents more versatile and result full.
12:20 – Why using octaves can let you balance in multi-dimensions (also at 34:54).
Remember, this is only a sampling taken from the first 5 videos when Marty is just “warming up”. There’s exponentially more new information in these first 5 videos, plus you have 15 remaining videos to blow you away!
What if you can learn about Ho’Oponopono, the 360° reagent you shouldn’t be without…
Or, the BioPhoton suite that is the newest life signal reagent to the energetic cause…
Or, discover the 3 flavors of Chi and how they can help amplify your practice results…
Or, why your intent statements are failing and how you can push them to 100% effectiveness…
Or, longevity and miracles; thought forms you can produce… There’s more, more, more – so much more for you to discover when you view these videos!
Just as I promised, you can take advantage of these videos for a small fraction of the $1500-$2000 it cost the small group of dedicated practitioners to attend this 2017 summit workshop.
When we first talked, Marty wanted to price the videos at $600 because of the enormous value. He said, “It’s more than worth it…”
I agree the 20 videos are exponentially worth more than the $600 he wanted to charge, and even worth multiples more than $1500-$2000 the practitioners paid to attend the summit meeting.
However, I told Marty, “Even though the 20 videos are worth many multiples of $600, this price will limit your offer to a small number of practitioners.” So, I suggested a price option to see if Marty would “bite”.
After bantering a bit we arrived at a price of $349. However, these descriptions don’t begin to cover the information and applications you’ll learn about them in the videos.
Your cost for the total package is only $349. Plus, if you view the videos and realize within the first month they’re not everything (and more) that I say they are, then let Marty know and he’ll refund your money. Fair enough?
Oh, and let’s not forget, you will also be invited to become an exclusive member in the conference calls taking place every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month.
You’re either in or out. You either realize your subtle energy or radionic practice is worth this small investment, or not. Or, you realize Marty’s offer is the solution to take your subtle energy and radionic research to a new level and dimension many years before you ever expected.
Sincerely, Lee Roberts