Compassion (60-72.5)
Compassion (60-72.5)I often speak about looking at emotions not as some touchy-feely expression, but as an harmonic frequency. When we do that, we can discard all the cultural flotsam and jetsam and see them for what they really are. Compassion (60-72.5) is not different. Disregard how you think it feels and try to examine it […]
Exercises For Building Confidence
Exercises For Building Confidence During the recent Winter Classic, I was struck by how effective those basic demos are. For those of us that have been practicing radionics for some time, I think it is easy to forget how credulous we were when we started. When I took my first class, I dialed the rates and rubbed the reaction plate and wondered how much of what I was feeling was just my imagination and how much was real. In those days we would spend three days in the beginning class running rates and completing rate […]